• Eastern Long-necked Turtle

    Scientific Name: Chelodina longicollis Also referred to as a snake-necked turtle, the eastern long-neck’s shell will eventually grow to around 25cm in length, with its neck almost the same length. The upper shell or carapace can vary in colour from light reddish-brown to almost black, while the lower shell or plastron is usually creamy-yellow, sometimes […]

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  • Broad-shelled Long-necked Turtle

    Scientific Name: Chelodina expansa The largest of the long-necked turtles, the broad-shelled turtle’s combined shell and extended neck lengths may exceed 80cm. They have an extraordinary ability to extract oxygen from fresh water by pumping it through veined cavities in the throat and vent enabling them to remain submerged for extended periods of time. The […]

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  • Alligator Snapping Turtle

    Scientific Name: Macroclemys temmincki The alligator snapping turtle is one of the largest freshwater turtle in the world. These creatures can weigh up to 90kg and the shell can reach three quarters of a metre in length. The large head, which may be 25cm across, has powerful sharp-edged jaws capable of crushing and severing a […]

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  • Saltwater Crocodile

    Scientific Name: Crocodylus porosus With its webbed feet and muscular tail flattened on both sides, the saltwater crocodile (popularly referred to as the ‘salty’) is able to propel itself through the water at surprising speed. The eyes and nostrils are on top of their head, allowing it to remain mostly hidden beneath the surface of […]

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  • Freshwater Crocodile

    Scientific Name: Crocodylus johnstoni The freshwater crocodile generally only grows to around 2 metres, although some specimens will attain a length of 3 metres. The back of the crocodile is light brown usually with a number of black, irregular bands. The underside is creamy-white. They can be distinguished from the larger saltwater crocodile by their […]

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  • American Alligator

    Scientific Name: Alligator mississippiensis The American alligator is extremely adept for a life in the water. The tail is flattened on both sides like an oar and is used to provide propulsion through the water. The nostrils are situated on a bump on top of the snout so that the animal can breathe when the […]

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  • Pink-toed Tarantula

    Scientific Name: Avicularia versicolor A beautifully coloured small tarantula, particularly as juveniles when a green or turquoise iridescence is present on the head and parts of the legs. As the spider matures these colours tend to fade and adults are mostly dark brown, although colourful hues may be retained in some specimens. The tips of […]

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  • Mexican Red-kneed Tarantula

    Scientific Name: Brachypelma smithi An attractively marked spider conspicuous by the bright orange-red markings around the middle of each leg, hence its common name. The rest of the spider is predominantly dark brown in colour with a fawn brown ring around the head area or cephalothorax and similar colored bands on the legs below the […]

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  • King Baboon Spider

    Scientific Name: Citharischius crawshayi Female king baboon spiders are much larger than males. The latter rarely exceed 12cm while the girls may exceed 20cm. Predominantly dark brown in colour, king baboons are bad-tempered spiders that will rear up, fangs at the ready at the slightest disturbance. The legs are very thick and robust and the […]

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  • Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater

    Scientific Name: Lasiodora parahybana With a leg span of up 10 inches, the Brazilian salmon pink birdeater is one of the largest tarantulas in the world. This spider gets big fast and can grow up to a diameter of 6 inches in the first year of its life! Like their name implies, Brazilian salmon pink […]

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