• Shingleback

    Scientific Name: Trachydosaurus rugosus A close relative of the more familiar bluetongue, the shingleback is an extremely distinctive member of the lizard family known as skinks. Its two most striking features are the short rounded tail, which bears a remarkable resemblance to the head end to confuse predators and the huge scales covering the body […]

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  • Land Mullet

    Scientific Name: Egernia major Although it has a fishy name, the land mullet is actually the largest member of the skink family of lizards. Large adults can reach 50cm or more in total length. The name comes from the smooth, shiny, black fish-like scales that cover the body. Juvenile land mullets tend to be dark […]

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  • Hosmer’s skink

    Scientific Name: Egernia hosmeri Hosmer’s skinks are stocky skinks that grow to 23 centimetres long, nearly half of which is the tail. The scales on their body have 3-4 sharp points (or keels) and the scales on the tail each have a long spine. Their colouring is light yellow-brown to brown with creamy to dark […]

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  • Eastern Water Skink

    Scientific Name: Eulamprus quoyii The eastern water skink is a relatively large skink, some specimens reaching nearly 30cm in length. They are fast, active, streamlined lizards which are recognised by their shiny scales and beautiful green-gold colour on the back. The sides are black with small white spots, while the underside is white or pale […]

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  • Eastern Bluetongue

    Scientific Name: Tiliqua scincoides scincoides The eastern bluetongue is one of the most familiar reptiles in Australia. Large specimens may reach 60cm in total length. The legs are small and can often be overlooked, a situation which sometimes means the harmless bluetongue, with its large triangular head, is mistaken for a dangerous snake and inadvertently […]

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  • Cunningham’s Skink

    Scientific Name: Egernia cunninghami Cunningham’s skink is a large, prickly lizard usually around 25-30cm in length. The colour varies from those which are almost totally black with a few white spots, to others that are predominantly grey with black bands or others which have an overall rusty red colour. Each scale ends in a sharp, […]

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  • Blotched Bluetongue

    Scientific Name: Tiliqua nigrolutea The blotched bluetongue grows to between 40-60cm in total length, about one third of which is tail. Like its close relative, the eastern bluetongue, the broad, fleshy tongue is vivid blue in colour and is used as a warning display to would-be predators. The body is mostly black with varying amounts […]

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  • Star Tortoise

    Scientific Name: Geochelone elegans Aptly named for the star-like pattern on the shell this attractive land tortoise reaches a maximum length of around 35cm from a hatchling size of about 12cm. The upper shell or carapace is coloured in dark brown or black with light brown or yellow lines radiating out from the centre of […]

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  • Murray River Turtle

    Scientific Name: Emydura macquarii Also known as the Macquarie turtle or Murray short-necked turtle, this turtle can grow to about 30cm in length. The male has a much fatter and longer tail than the female. There are two fleshy barbels under its chin. The shell is predominantly medium to dark brown above, cream coloured below. […]

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  • Galapagos Tortoise

    Scientific Name: Geochelone nigra Galapagos tortoises may reach a maximum shell length of over a metre and weigh up to 180 kg in weight. There are some 14 distinct subspecies inhabiting different islands in the Galapagos Island archipelago. The shape of the shell varies quite markedly between the subspecies. Some are domed, some are flat, […]

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