• Perentie

    Scientific Name: Varanus giganteus The perentie is Australia’s largest lizard reaching over 2.5 metres in length. It has a long neck and a stout, robust body ending in a long, tapering tail. The colour is yellow or cream with tawny brown rosettes edged in dark brown on their back and they have dark limbs with […]

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  • Mertens’ water monitor

    Scientific Name: Varanus mertensi As the name suggests, the Mertens’ water monitor loves the water. During the day the monitor can be found basking on rocks and logs near the shoreline of rivers, creeks, billabongs and lagoons. The monitors are great swimmers, and have a special valve in their nostrils that closes when they dive. […]

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  • Lace Monitor

    Scientific Name: Varanus varius The lace monitor grows to between 1.5 and 2 metres in length, it is a dark steel grey above with pale yellow or cream bands or rows of spots. The underside is cream. The jaws and snout are usually strongly barred with yellow and dark grey. A second colour form known […]

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  • Freckled monitor

    Scientific Name: Varanus tristis The freckled monitor is beautifully patterned, with rows of white ocelli (eye shaped circles) with dark centres, covering its back. The base colour varies from red-brown to light grey-brown and black. Spotted patterning can occur at the start of the tail but the end of the tail is usually black. The […]

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  • Southern Forest Dragon

    Scientific Name: Hypsilurus spinipes A superb master of camouflage, the southern forest dragon’s imposing appearance belies its placid nature and inactive lifestyle. Ranging from a mossy greenish-grey to mid-brown in colour, they are characterized by a raised flap of skin adorned with spines on the neck which merges into a row of smaller spines along […]

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  • Komodo Dragon

    Scientific Name: (Varanus komodoensis) Komodo dragons are the world’s largest lizard, with males growing up to 3 metres long and sometimes reaching over 100kg! They have large, streamlined bodies with a strong tail and powerful, bowed limbs. They have long, flat heads with rounded snouts and mottled black/brown scale colour which enables them to lie […]

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  • Frilled Neck Lizard

    Scientific Name: Chlamydosaurus kingii The frilled lizard grows to around 45-90cm in length, about two-thirds of which is tail. It has a vivid yellow mouth and a large extendible frill gathered about the neck and under throat. The combination of the gaping mouth and the wide, brightly coloured frill provide an intimidating sight to any […]

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  • Eastern Water Dragon

    Scientific Name: Physignathus lesueurii The eastern water dragon grows to around 80-90cm in length, much of which is tail The colour consists of shades of grey or brown with a series of black bands on the back and tail and a black stripe on the side of the head behind the eye. The underside is […]

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  • Eastern Bearded Dragon

    Scientific Name: Pogona barbata The harsh, spiky appearance of these lizards belie their normally placid temperament. If approached in the wild, the bearded dragon’s usual response is to freeze and rely on its camouflage. If further threatened they puff themselves up, extend the ‘beard’ under the throat and open the mouth wide to reveal the […]

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  • Central Netted Dragon

    Scientific Name: Ctenophorus nuchalis A small active dragon with an intricate reticulated or netlike pattern of dark lines over a pale grey-brown background. The head is rounded and the legs and toes are strong to enable them to run at great speeds and to dig burrows. The tail of an adult is usually around 16cm […]

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